A pink mutation of Prime Seedless grapes, Starlight is an early-harvest seedless grape with well filled out bunches and medium-sized berries. A neutral, sweet and crunchy flavour profile makes for easy eating.


Crimson Seedless is a mid-to-late season red variety. Crimson has a sweet and neutral flavour with elongated berries that are light red in colour. What makes this variety particularly impressive is the crisp and firm texture of the berries as well as its exceptional shelf life.


Excellent eating and storage qualities, ARRA 10 is mid-season, seedless red variety. It has large bunches with sweet, firm and crisp berries which are elongated and oval in shape. Improved berry attachment strength has also made for better transport capabilities.


ARRA 13 is an extremely fertile, red seedless variety. It has 3 large, loose bunches per shoot and elliptic berries with minimal seed trace. A moderate strength vine and small leaves eliminate the need for leaf removal. It has a full flavour and requires minimal chilling time.


The Red Flame is a cross between the Thompson Seedless, Cardinal, and other varieties. It has medium-sized, deep red seedless berries. The bunches are medium to large - conical and well filled. The berries are marked by a distinctive delicately sweet flavour that pairs well with other grape varieties.


The Sweet Celebration variety is an oval shaped, mid-to-late harvest with a brilliant red colour and no seed trace. Highly productive with medium bunches, the berries are very crisp and have a wonderful flavour. They’re easy to grow and colour well in shade.
The fruit quality is exceptional.


ARRA 29 is an early, red seedless variety with exceptional eating quality. Its berries are large and crisp with an excellent cherry colour. It’s highly fertile, with a medium-sized bunch that ripens at the same time as Red Flame.


The Jack Salute is an elongated and slightly oval red seedless grape. Its berries are firm to crisp, with a good flavour profile. The best method of growing Jack Salute is little to no treatment since it’s been documented that treatments cause greater sunburn and poorer colouring.